Monday, December 19, 2005

Dominican Republic - Proud and Beautiful
7 days in Puerto Plata - Northern DR
What can I say about a 7 day all-inclusive trip to a place which included free alcohol? Not much, because all the days are an intoxicated haze. Actually, even though many of the guests treated the resort as an elaborate bar, I did not drink much, although the rum was good.
The midnight drive to Montreal and the short ride from the park-n-fly to the airport had left us dazed and cold. Montreal airport suffers from an identity crises, with road signs for 3 airports jockeying for attention - Trudeau, Dorval and Mirabel.
Our flight to DR left at 6 am and landed 4 hours later in Puerto Plata airport. We were sheparded through immigration and customs along with other rich Canadians ($1 CAD = $27 pesos) and were instructed to take our luggage to a waiting van. The place outside was a bit better than India with half the number of people. But